Career Profile
I'm a Senior Software Developer With 10+ years of experience, I have worked across multiple product types, I love learning and trying new things and I can adapt to any technology needed. I like to take part in decision-making and meaningful conversations. I like to get things done to the best of my extent and expertise.
As a Senior Software Developer for Wizeline I was involved in the planning, architecture, deployment and development of a new platform. Highlights include: - Leading the development of a new platform - Working with a team of 5+ developers - Implementing a new CI/CD pipeline with Gitub Actions - Implementing a new development strategy - Implementing a new communication strategy.
- React
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- Node.js
- Next JS
- Github Actions
- React Query
- Jira
As a Senior Software Developer for Skupos, I was involved in planning and estimation for new features, I worked closely with Product and Marketing to set campaign goals and statistics, set up a few goals in Google Analytics, approved and reviewed PRs and releases in AWS Pipelines. Highlights include: - Leading a new internal design system - Working with Product and Marketing to define goals and set external tools - Implementing a new CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions for the internal design system - Implementing Cypress from scratch from our web app with 80% coverage.
- React
- Material UI
- TypeScript
- Node JS
- GraphQL
- Relay
- AWS Pipeline
- Netlify
- Jira
- Github Actions
- Rollup
- Jest
- Jira
- React Testing Library
- TailwindCSS
- Cypress
As a Senior Software Developer for Mindstrong, I was involved in planning and estimation for new features, I worked closely with Product to set campaign goals and statistics, set up copies of the site for A/B testing, approved and reviewed PRs and releases in AWS Pipelines. Highlights include: - Set up Google Optimize with several copies for A/B testing - Worked with Product to define goals, funnels and other metrics using Google Analytics - Led the frontend implementation of a new platform to discover potential leads - Increased Cypress automation test coverage by 20%.
- TypeScript
- React
- Redux
- Redux Toolkin
- Cypress
- Auth0
- Jest
- React Testing Library
- Node JS
- Google Analytics
- Google Optimize
- Jira
As a Senior Software Developer for Nextiva, I was involved in improving the security and performance of the app. Highlights include: - Lead initiative to improve deployment performance, decreasing 60% build time - Worked with Backend to set up session using JWToken - Add test 70% of test coverage. - Setup nginx to avoid COORS issues in internal apps.
- TypeScript
- React
- Redux
- JWToken
- Jest
- React Testing Library
- Nginx
- Jenkins
- Jira
As a Senior Software Developer for HomrAway, I was involved in migrating the onboarding flow and the property management flow from Java/Spring/JSP to React/Typescript/Node. Highlights include: - Debugging crucial parts of the property state machine.
- TypeScript
- React
- Redux
- NodeJS
- HapiJS
- Enzyme
- Java
- GraphQL
- Spring
- Jira
Open Source Collaborations